What is AtNum?

AtNum Ltd is a company that helps the enterprise make secure cloud applications with a focus on remote learning via video conferencing and creating tools for educators, however, AtNum takes a genuinely polyglot approach to creating and maintaining secure applications.

Take a moment to read our mission statement.

If you want to know more about the technical details, then please contact us. If you want to know more about AtNum’s work, then keep reading.

Secure Application Development

At AtNum we develop applications that have a focus on secure remote learning. In development we don’t think so much in terms of languages, but rather, in terms of engineering concepts. We favour the basics to produce optimised code for runtime that conserves resources. Our architectural philosophy is that simple code is easier to deploy and secure.
We are available to help you develop your application: contact us.


Cloud Consulting

We have been creating cloud-native applications for over a decade. We are available to help you get your cloud service running. Contact us to discuss your requirements.